Expense Claim App

Improve efficiency in operations with a digitalized expense claim system on your Microsoft cloud investment

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What is the Expense Claim App about?

The expense claim app is a digitized version of the expense claim/petty cash process. The app enables staff to request for reimbursement for costs incurred in the line of duty. When a request is submitted it will be routed automatically, from one approver to the next, until it is fully approved. There are options for approvers to decline requests or demand for a review if a request lacks clarity. The Cashier is prompted of approved requests pending payment.

Eliminate approval delays

Eliminate the time and hassle it takes to get approvals. The process is digitally streamlined to enable managers to approve anywhere, anytime.

Secured access via mobile & web

The app is accessible on mobile platforms (IOS, Android) or via web. Because the solution is built on the Microsoft cloud ecosystem, security is assured.

Common point of reference

A truth book and a central data repository for all expense records.

Audit capabilities

Every expense information is well captured, thus easing the audit process for authorized users.


Because the data is well captured, rich analysis can be produced for insights.

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